maandag 20 september 2010

Opvallende punten voedigswaarde

Feel-Good Findings: Omega-3s Boost Mood, Reduce Anger, Ensure Brain’s Flow of Fuel 

The research team came to this conclusion: "In conjunction with published research, these data suggest that dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids may be a determinant ... in affect [mood] regulation, impulse control and personality.”

In other words, it appears that diets high in omega-3s help healthy people to feel happier and more agreeable, and leave them less prone to conflict or depression.

Feeling sluggish? These foods naturally energize

. Strawberries: Need an immediate burst of energy? Have a handful of strawberries. Strawberries also contain fiber, which helps your body more slowly absorb the carbohydrates you eat. Fresh fruits make a great mid-afternoon snack, especially for that 3 p.m. slump.
Other energy-boosting fruit: cherries, apricots .... just about any fresh fruit will give you a lift.
3. Broccoli: One cooked cup of broccoli actually contains as much vitamin C as an orange. Why is that vitamin important? Well, an Arizona State University study found that 1 in 3 women were not getting enough in their diets. After upping their intake to 500 milligrams a day, they reported feeling better and more energized. Forgo vitamin C supplements and just up your broccoli snacking or sides. (This applies to men, too).

. “We weten dat een mediterraan voedingspatroon ook op hogere leeftijd nog steeds bijdraagt aan een betere levensverwachting”

Toch zijn er bij vijftigplussers drie uitzonderingen waar je op moet letten, bij deze groep mensen ligt namelijk de aanbevolen dagelijkse hoeveelheid vitamine D en vitamine B12 en calcium hoger dan wat je met een normale, gezonde voeding opneemt.

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